
The Art of Story Framing
Irveen Kaur
Story framing is an essential tool for any writer looking to captivate their audience and craft compelling narratives. By mastering story framing, you can transform your writing from ordinary to extraordinary.

Mastering the Art of Research and Writing: Key Strategies for Success
Irveen Kaur
In this article, we will break down what it takes to create a quality piece of writing. Research is one of the most important elements that writers often leave until after they start writing.

Fantasy Writers Come Together to Discuss Creating a Monster
Irveen Kaur
In this blog post, we discuss how writers can use multiple viewpoints to build complexity in their stories. We ask CS Pacat, author of the Dark Rising series to shed some light on how she does her best work. Her advice is actionable and insightful.

3 Things You Need To Do Before Writing Your Novel
Irveen Kaur
In this article, we delve into the prep work that goes into ensuring that you're ready to write your novel. Before we begin writing our great fantasy novel, or memoir, it's important to plan out our plot, characters and setting.